Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week 9: Back to Reality, and That's Just Fine!

I am back from a magnificent journey to Bangkok, and happily readjusting to my world. In addition to an appropriate amount of information on transgender health, here's what I learned:
  • I can fly! (I've been flight phobic for years, though never let it limit me.) But the trip involved 20 hours of travel each way. I knew that I'd grown up a lot when I heard myself think, "Turbulence, how soothing!"
  • Knowing a little of the language helps.
  • Most of the people traveling were younger. It made me think that international travel is for the young, or at least for the physically fit! Another incentive to exercise and stay strong.
  • Travel-related recreational eating is fine, as long as it doesn't contnue at home - and it hasn't!
Linda relaxing on a dinner cruise in Bangkok

So, back at home. At the last Weight Management Support Group I attended, we discussed the question, "If your best friend were exactly in the situation you're in, what would you do/say to support them?"

We had plenty of ideas. We are, after all, a group of smart, creative high-achievers.

This week's session will deal with how we can be better best friends to ourselves.

We're all in this together.
Linda Gromko, MD

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