Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Week 18: When Your Life is in the Blender!

How many of us have had the experience where big, life-changing events were happening all at once? Where nothing seemed to "flow" with order or reason? Where, in spite of our best intentions, things were simply out of our control? the blender - and on HIGH!

In our last group meeting, many of us were in the midst of blenderized living. We had deaths in the family, critical medical experiences in family members, dealing with elderly parents, and planning for surgeries. Not "light" content.

And, what do we do when life is in the blender? Many of us turn to our long-term comforts of carbohydrates, chocolate, salty-crunchy snacks - understandably putting aside what we know we need, and finding some respite in the midst of the storm.

So, we struggle again. Wondering why it is that we succeed in so many areas of our lives, yet falter with food.

We've talked in our group about "running the bases." ("When I'm running the bases, I'm in the game.")

Let's review:
  • The pitcher = what life throws at you
  • The bat = how you react
  • lst base = intention and attitude
  • 2nd base = habits and behaviors
  • 3rd base = self-care ("self-basting")
  • Home base = reassessment, improvements in health & life.
This week as we reel from the fast pitch, check your intentions and attitudes. What behaviors are serving you, and what behaviors are hampering your progress? And what are you doing to take care of yourself?

Go back and review the Serenity Prayer. What things can we control and change, and what is simply life in the blender?

Sort it out, and we'll get through it.

We're all in this together.
Linda Gromko, MD

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