Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Case for Morning Exercise

OK, so not everyone is going to turn out for rowing at 5:15 a.m. But there are clear reasons why people actually do this. For one, the water is absolutely calm - provided it's not windy. There is very little water traffic at that time, and almost no competition from inebriated  power boaters. The sunrises over Lake Union are spectacular. And now and then, you see a blue heron perched on a pilon, or even a bald eagle.

The best part of early morning rowing is that you get up and get your day's exercise out of the way. Nothing will likely distract you at that hour. And you can progress with your day - energized and guilt-free!

Naturally, it doesn't have to be rowing.

A brisk morning walk - maybe around Greenlake, maybe to your local Starbucks for a Skinny Latte - will accomplish he same important work. You get up, fill your lungs with fresh air, organize your day, and get going! And, you're done with your day's exercise with no risk of later distraction.

You can Zumba to a DVD. You can swim laps and take a shower before heading for work.

As always, the best exercise is the one you'll do!

Try it. We're all in this together.

Linda Gromko, MD