Monday, March 17, 2014

Demons - Do We Harbor Them?

At our last group session, we started talking about demons! We just barely got started with an animated discussion, and it was time to go. So we are carrying this session forward, and it will become our topic for the meeting of Thursday, March 20. Here's a preview:

It is said that some people carry "demons" that prevent them from maintaining a healthy weight. These demons may include issues or traumas, past or present, that occupy a person's mind. It is also said that until people face and conquer these demons, they won't achieve their weight goals...or achieve their full potential in ANY area.

Here are our questions:
  • What do you think are examples of such "demons?"
  • What does one do to get rid of a demon?
  • What are the demons you personally have experienced?
Does a person have to have a demon to have a weight problem? Probably not! It's completely possible to have settled into a pattern of beheviors that shoot you in the foot without having some underlying problem - I guess. But none of us would chose obesity! So why do we keep doing the very things that sabottage ourselves?

Please give these questions your consideration, and we'll take it up again on March 20. Remember, nobody is required to share their deepest secrets. But perhaps someone's story will help the rest of us.

Keep up the good work.
We're all in this together.
Linda Gromko, MD

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