So, how do we prepare ourselves as we step up to the plate when we have at least some idea of what we're facing? At our last group, we discussed the following questions. A sample of our responses follow.
1. What things do you do to prepare yourself as you face a significant challenge? How do you get ready?
- "I remember before my medical school interview, I practiced every interview question I could imagine - out loud and in my car. By the time the interview actually came, there wasn't much that could derail me."
- "Mentally prepare: think 'I deserve to be here.'"
- "Think through it: imagine the right way and visualize success."
- "Have all necessary supplies ready."
- "Prepare the environment; how can I make the task easier?"
- "Learn as much as possible about what to expect; talk to people and read on-line."
- "Study the problem. Understand what's needed for success. Make a plan and test it, and modify it until success is achieved!"
You get the picture, this group is prepared. We set ourselves up to be successful!

2. What things have you done to prepare yourself for your Weight Management challenge? (Also, what things do you do every day to prepare yourself?)
Here were some of our ideas:
- "Have water and snacks on hand."
- "Be our own best friend."
- "Focus on food preparation. Have your food ready and avoid impulse purchases."
- "Make lifestyle changes."
- "Cut back on soda."
- "Cut back on TV time - and especially eating in front of the TV."
- "Change my shopping habits."
- "Don't let 'bad' food in the house."
- "Find the best recording tool for yourself, e.g 'My Fitness Pal,' etc."
- "Tell my husband what to expect - and how to help me."
- "Eat protein for breakfast."
- "Work on other rewarding activities, besides food."
- "Clean out old clothes; buying new things can be a reward."
- "Plan for exercise. Take exercise clothes in the car."
- "Bring my own food to work for lunch and snacks."
- "Throw away foods that threaten my resolve; dump the cashews!"
Certainly, there are many things we can do to stack the odds in our favor. We've done it in our work; we've done this professionally. And we've done it effectively.
Now, the challenge is to transfer this preparedness - even preparedness for the unexpected - into our Weight Management.
A couple of members noted privately to me that there are specific demons that have held them back - sort of like a sprinter with a weight belt! It's time to examine our own demons - if this applies.
Take care. Remember, we're all in this together!
Linda Gromko, MD
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